Just some ramblings of an aerialist who loves to make things while traveling.


Phat QR Body & Cellulite Massager Review

WATERPROOF manual hand held model as of September 2012
  • Improves the appearance of cellulite
  • Improves local blood circulation
  • Relieves minor muscle aches and pains
  • Relieves muscle spasms

  • Phat QR Deep Tissue Massager is a MANUAL hand held tool for therapeutic assistance for reduction of appearance of cellulite, and for minor aches and pains. It is a simple, manual device that replaces a massage therapist. Can be used by anyone on any part of the body. It's a hand held device constructed with 7 deep set stainless steel spheres that smoothly roll on your skin and provide deep massage, improving circulation, tone of your skin and promote total wellbeing. It can be used over oils and lotions, over dry skin and even clothing. And now, even in shower or bath. Warning: If you have health conditions connected with weak blood capillaries, or you are prone to easy bruising, do not apply much pressure while using this massager. If you are taking blood thinners due to any specific health conditions, please consult your doctor before using this product.

    There are a few things in life that I believe are necessary to have and this is one of them. My husband has had back surgery and is always having back/shoulder pain still and I just love having massages. One thing I can always look forward to is having my husband rub my back every night before bed. For me, I like to rub his back but he likes it deep and I don't have big hands so after a while I get sore. This has been a miracle for that because I can rub his back without having to put all the pressure that I usually do. For him, it's great. For me, it's even better. I don't have cellulite since I am only 25 BUT it is never too early to take care of your skin so I am preventively using this massager on the areas that I most want them like my thighs and my backside. Not only does it feel good, is easy to use, and makes my skin just look nice overall.

    I love that it is waterproof so that I can take it in the shower with me and not have to worry about it getting messed up like other massagers like this. There is only one downfall and it's nothing too bad because you can do what my husband does but because he has some hair on his back, the balls tend to grab the hairs. It's not that comfortable but in the shower it works great and with a shirt on it works great. I have no issues with it myself so I can't complain. I think it's a great addition to anyone who wants to take care of their skin and body. You won't be disappointed in your purchase.


    1. I NEED this! or maybe even two!! It looks like it would also be good to set on the floor and rub the bottoms of your feet on. Think it would work??

    2. Megan- I think that actually would work pretty good. I'll have to try that and see. I sat on the floor last night and rubbed it on my foot and it feels great. I'm going to take a bubble bath tonight and actually try it on my feet in the tub. I love that it is waterproof!

    3. Omg.. This looks perfect. Does it feel the same inside and outside of water. I need this in my life!

    4. I think it feels the same but I do like it in the water. My husband rubs my back with it in the shower and it feels fantastic with the hot water beating on you. But I also love it by itself too. Plus the strap is adjustable so both my husband and I can use it on each other without having it uncomfortable to hold.

    5. I need to look into this for my fibromyalgia pain! Ryan puts too much pressure with just his finger tips when he massages, so he hates to do it. Does this spread the pressure out a bit more evenly, so it doesn't feel like it is in one spot the entire time?

    6. It actually does really well for not having to put a lot of pressure. If you use it lightly, it still works great but if you use it deeper, it feels really good. You could even use this on yourself if you have pain on your arms/legs.. I've used it in the tub the past 2 nights as well since it's waterproof and I still like it. The glamour hasn't worn off so I think it's going to be staying around.


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