My friend Jenn and I have been waiting for a good snowfall to take the hoop out for a fun little photoshoot. The time had finally come and while it wasn't as much snow as we were looking for and it wasn't as warm as it could have been, we still had fun for our first try. Next time we are going to use Jenn's hoop as she has a larger one. This hoop belongs to my friend who I am borrowing while she is deployed. It did the trick though and we came out with some fun photos. I got an awesome Canon DSLR camera a couple months ago and finally am getting into using it frequently.
The photos that were shot of me were taken by my husband so they aren't as clear as they could be since he hasn't played with the camera as much as I have. You'll see a difference in the photos of me compared to the photos that I took of Jenn. Regardless, we both had fun and are using these photos as a critique of what to do in the future. For both of us, we ended up not liking many of them and various other little things like what to do with our arms, leotards that need sewed down, facial expressions and so on and so forth. I think it doesn't help that we are far too hard on ourselves.

These are some of the photos that were taken of me that I liked. The problem was that a) we didn't get to warm up and stretch like we usually do before doing tricks so our muscles were cold and b) it was only 22 degrees Fahrenheit outside so we were extremely cold and our hands and toes were the first parts of us to burn from the temperature. Because of these reasons, we didn't get to do as pretty as tricks as we usually do.

This photo is one of my favorites though. I'm a big fan of black and white photos and with my shimmery tights, it makes everything just pop a little more. Add in a color splash and it really pops!

There is something so fun about lyra (aerial hoop). But it really is a very painful hobby. The hoop is solid metal so it really is uncomfortable depending on how you sit. I actually bruise more on the hoop than I do on the pole or silks. Add in that wind chill of 15 and you get a fun but painful photoshoot.
Regardless of the cold and lack of flexibility, we still had fun. I have so much thanks to give for my husband because he is so supportive of me. He carries our gear, takes photos, brings us clothes for in between photos, spins us around when we need to be in a different direction... and all on a moments notice. I literally gave him an hours notice saying, hey babe me and Jenn wanna go take photos! Plus, this was under a bridge a short ways from our place that required walking in the snow to get too. Not to mention he does the same thing when I am on the pole or silks. If I am by myself, he will spot me and take photos. If Maya or any of the other girls are over (very frequently) he will spot for all of us and help hold us up for moves if we need it. Not many husbands go out of their way like he does.
Here he is giving Jenn his hat for her hands so she can warm up. What a gentleman!

Hopefully there will be more photos in the near future that are better since as I said, we are using this as a learning lesson for future photoshoots. If you want to check out the photos that I took of Jenn, click HERE to view them and let me know what you think! There are also various other photos I have taken that you can view on the same page. Let me know which photos are your favorite!
Until next time, Happy New Year!
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