Just some ramblings of an aerialist who loves to make things while traveling.


Bath Pillow by Simply Essentials

I was SO excited to try out this!Bath pillow by Simply Essentials! Ive been in the hunt for a bath pillow..(I've been using a rolled up towel!) & Now I'm happy to say, that Im so glad I was chosen to try this product out. I'm a mother of three boys, so my bath time is my happy time. This pillow is perfect. It has suction cups, so you don't have to worry about it sliding when you place your head on it. It also is made with PU waterproof foam and completely waterproof. Well constructed with the perfect firmness.
This product is very easy to clean, and isn't big and bulky so you can store it easily.  

Im fortunate to have a large garden tub, how ever if you don't, it will fit all tub types, so don't worry about that.

 Order now for peace of mind for total relaxation. *No risk 1 year guarantee* When you order, consider purchasing two bath pillows, one for you and one for your best friend. *There is a discount coupon *. 
So click the order button now.

  • #BathPillowbySimplyEssentials

  • I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


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