Just some ramblings of an aerialist who loves to make things while traveling.


Easy At Home Review

Specially designed for "Trying to conceive" women to get pregnant naturally :Ovulation tests gives woman greater chance of predicting their most fertile days, even if their cycle lengths are variable; Pregnancy tests tells pregnancy sooner than missed period;
Tracking ovulation surge with sufficient tests and minimize the chances missing the LH Surge;
Easy to test : simply dip the test in urine for 3 seconds; Easy to read: two lines means pregnant and one line means not pregnant ;
Levels of hCG as low as 25 mIU/ml ( FDA standard) can be detected within 3 to 5 minutes. Results are over 99.8% accurate;
100% customer satisfaction guaranteed : experienced and professional customer service are available for any questions coming up. Refund or return are acceptable by brand owner,who is dedicated to be the best home use tests provider.

So, this is obviously not for me as after having cancer twice, I cannot get pregnant from the chemo. And not to mention my husband had a vasectomy and although he would be ok with getting it reversed, it wouldn't do anything since I would be the one to not get pregnant.  I had my friend review it because she is currently trying to get pregnant. She said it is very straight forward and very easy to read. There are only two readings; ovulating... or not. And on the tests, pregnant... or not. Very straight forward. I would recommend these to anyone looking to get pregnant.
You can purchase this on AMAZON


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