Just some ramblings of an aerialist who loves to make things while traveling.


Natural Dentist Review

The Natural Dentist's children's line in particular includes our Cavity Zapper Toothpastes, Plaque Zapper Toothpaste which is flouride-free and Mouth Rinse.  Just like their other products, the gel toothpaste does not contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), and there are no artificial flavors, sweeteners, or colors. And it comes in two great, kid-approved flavors - Berry Blast and Groovy Grape. The Natural Dentist to make sure that kids and their parents have the best clinically-proven oral care products - products that don't contain alcohol, harsh chemicals or artificial colors or flavors.

If Your Dentist Recommends a Fluoride Rinse for Your Children… It’s because he believes your child’s teeth need hardening and strengthening against cavities.When that happens, we know you want to choose a fluoride rinse that doesn’t use alcohol, artificial sweeteners, artificial colors or other potential irritants, and one that has a not-yucky taste that your kids won’t hate. Our Cavity Zapper Mouth Rinse is American Dental Association approved and recommended for kids 6 and older. Berry Blast flavor. Mouth Rinse Active IngredientSodium Fluoride Purpose Anticavity - See more at: http://www.bleedinggums.com/cavity-zapper-for-kids/#sthash.pOegRKvj.dpuf

These are surprisingly tasty for being toothpaste. My stepson has a problem brushing his teeth and has already had multiple teeth pulled and filled so whenever he is with us we are constantly getting on him to brush his teeth. Thankfully, there are these great flavored toothpastes that allow him to brush his teeth without any issues. We still have to get onto him and watch him to make sure he is actually brushing his teeth, but at least now he has healthy toothpastes! I highly recommend this for anyone who has children and anyone who wants to take care of their children's teeth.
You can purchase it on their WEBSITE


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