GET 15 TIMES MORE RESULTS THAN WITH CAPSULES++. With superior patented technology, our living organisms reach deep into your intestinal tract where they are needed most. Our formula will even reach your large intestine. *See the descirption sheet to understand the Science behind the Superiority*
IMPROVE YOUR MOOD AND ENERGY LEVELS. Fatigue and irritability are often a result of poor vitamin and nutrient absorption. These probiotics help create a microenvironment inside your digestive system that promotes full mineral absorption so you can finally feel like your happy, energetic and vibrant self.
RELIEVE YOUR SENSITIVE STOMACH. This formula is released at consistent levels throughout the day and throughout your Gl tract; whereas other capsules more closely resemble a bomb being dropped in your upper stomach - releasing all organisms at one time, often causing upset such as bloating, gas or diarrhea.
GET & STAY WELL. 80% of your immune system is in your gut, and when probiotics (the good guys) are abundant in your body, it’s harder for the disease causing bacteria (the bad guys) to settle in. This formula restores beneficial bacteria for optimal digestive and immune health, helps control yeast and candida overgrowth and promotes daily relief from allergies, gas, bloating and constipation. Life should be easy.
LOSE WEIGHT. New studies show that gut microflora may improve your metabolism and accelerate fat loss. Let’s get your gut back into equilibrium so your waistline will follow.
IMPROVE YOUR MOOD AND ENERGY LEVELS. Fatigue and irritability are often a result of poor vitamin and nutrient absorption. These probiotics help create a microenvironment inside your digestive system that promotes full mineral absorption so you can finally feel like your happy, energetic and vibrant self.
RELIEVE YOUR SENSITIVE STOMACH. This formula is released at consistent levels throughout the day and throughout your Gl tract; whereas other capsules more closely resemble a bomb being dropped in your upper stomach - releasing all organisms at one time, often causing upset such as bloating, gas or diarrhea.
GET & STAY WELL. 80% of your immune system is in your gut, and when probiotics (the good guys) are abundant in your body, it’s harder for the disease causing bacteria (the bad guys) to settle in. This formula restores beneficial bacteria for optimal digestive and immune health, helps control yeast and candida overgrowth and promotes daily relief from allergies, gas, bloating and constipation. Life should be easy.
LOSE WEIGHT. New studies show that gut microflora may improve your metabolism and accelerate fat loss. Let’s get your gut back into equilibrium so your waistline will follow.
I was given a complimentary bottle of hyperbiotics PRO-15 probiotics to try out. I have been taking probiotics for the past year because I ended up spending a week in the hospital in isolation because I had a nasty illness known as c diff. If you have never heard of c diff, it is basically where all of your good bacteria in your gut is replaced with bad bacteria and you end up super dehydrated and having no control of your bowels, all while puking and having extreme pain throughout your stomach and back. The treatment for c diff is tons of antibiotics (I was on antibiotics for a month) and then keeping ahead of the bacteria and taking probiotics from pills or yogurt. I found a probiotic that was suggested to me but after I ran out and had the chance to try this one, I jumped on it. It has been a week now and I have had absolutely zero side effects. My last probiotic always was unpredictable. I even feel like it has helped in losing the last couple pounds I was hoping for and promotes boosting metabolism. I have nothing bad to say about this. Always do ask your doctor before taking pills but as I am a 2x cancer survivor, a good probiotic can help all women, sick or not sick.
You can purchase it here:
And, you can check out this 2 minute video -
And their website:
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
And, you can check out this 2 minute video -
And their website:
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