Just some ramblings of an aerialist who loves to make things while traveling.


Plain Toothbrush

Back to Basics with Manual Toothbrushes

If you are looking for quality, old-fashioned, classic toothbrushes with end-rounded bristles, then you have come to the right place. Our simple, old-style “square” or rectangular toothbrushes are the best quality you can buy for comfort and effectiveness.
  • Old-fashioned, classic manual toothbrushes
  • End-rounded, nylon bristles
  • Translucent, propionate handles
  • Rectangular head with narrow neck
  • Straight, flat handle
  • Traction bumps for better gripping
  • 47-tuft Adult – X-Soft, Soft and Hard versions
  • 24-tuft Kids
  • Sound Feelings brand
  • Made in USA
Just the other night, my husband was saying how he didn't like how soft his toothbrush was. We have been using them since our last dentist appointments 2 months ago and he hadn't mentioned anything. I was given the chance to review this package of old fashioned toothbrushes and as soon as they came, he was loving it. It came with a variety of brushes ranging from hard to soft and extra soft to kids. The brushes are simple. They don't vibrate or spin. They are just a plain toothbrush. But for my husband, the tough bristles were exactly what he was looking for so now he has plenty to choose from. I prefer the extra soft for myself and now we have plenty of toothbrushes for guests or for when we go take the camper out and want to leave a couple in the camper. I highly recommend these toothbrushes as they are just that; plain and simple toothbrushes to get the job done.
*I received this product in exchange for an honest review*
You can purchase this product on their WEBSITE 


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