Just some ramblings of an aerialist who loves to make things while traveling.


Nutri Testo Review

This naturally formulated nutritional supplement contains the active ingredient LJ100®, which is patented and clinically-proven to support healthy libido, physical energy, athletic performance and weight management. LJ100® is purely extracted from Tongkat Ali,—also called “Malaysian Ginseng”—a root plant intended to promote normal testosterone levels.
In several published research studies—including the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, Evidence Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine and First International Journal of Andrology, among others— LJ100® has been found to help both men and women experience hormonal balance and overall wellness.
The Nutri Testo supplement is actually great for many people. I don't take it but my husband has been taking it for a while now and while he says he doesn't notice a change, I can clearly see one. He has more energy and has more ummm... stamina ;) Not that it was lacking in the first place but it has gotten better shall I say. There isn't a terrible after taste and the capsules are not huge as to where you choke on them. He has extra energy already and I can see that he seems more awake instead of dragging around 1 or 2pm. Make sure you ask your doctor before taking anything but these would be a great supplement for many people. It is also great for a pre-workout. And when I say people, I mean both men and women. All of the studies include women and show benefits for both!
The products and the information provided about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

The information provided on this site, is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional
You can purchase this product on their WEBSITE
*I received this product at a discounted price. That does not change my opinion of the product*


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