Just some ramblings of an aerialist who loves to make things while traveling.


Naturlico Callus Remover Review

REMOVE MORE SKIN EVERY SECOND Spins 40 times/sec. More spins means more exfoliation than other tools
EXFOLIATE A LITTLE OR A LOT With 2 speeds, our pedicure tool lets you customize the experience. Clear your callus using our callus shaver
GOOD FOR THE PLANET & FOR YOUR FEET Rechargeable to reduce battery waste; Gentler than a manual file
SEE WHAT YOU'RE TREATING LED light illuminates skin, so you can see calluses & rough patches clearly
SIMPLE TO CLEAN Water-resistant design for quick & easy washing; 2 Grinding Roller Heads + 1 Cleaning Brush included!
When given the chance to try out this pedicure callus remover, I was really excited to try it! I had been given a couple of these in the past just to be disappointed but I can say that this is beyond amazing. It's not painful and it gives really great results. I applied it tot he bottom of my soles for the calluses I get from running and before I knew it, my feet were super smooth. It's water resistant so you can clean it without worrying about messing it up. I applied lotion to my feet afterwards for a perfect ending but this is really a great little remover. I think anyone who wants good looking feet should give this a try! You won't be dissapointed.
*I received this product for free in exchange for an honest review*
You can purchase this on AMAZON


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