Just some ramblings of an aerialist who loves to make things while traveling.


Welch's Refreshingly Simple

When did everything get so complicated? We can’t even pronounce the names of half the characters on Game of Thrones, much less all the ingredients in our food. Welch’s® gets that, so they created Welch’s® Refreshingly Simple™.
With flavors like Peach Mango, Concord Grape, Strawberry Raspberry, Orange Pineapple Apple, and Passion Fruit, Welch’s® Refreshingly Simple™ contains just a handful of honest ingredients and none of the stuff you don’t want. That means no artificial sweeteners, preservatives, artificial flavors or high fructose corn syrup—just simply wholesome deliciousness

Welch's Refreshingly Simple juices are just that.. refreshing and simple. This juice is the best tasting one that I have found in quite some time. It's fruity and delicious. The ingredients are honest to. No corn syrup or artificial flavors. Just honest to goodness good tasting and healthy ingredients. You can even pronounce all of them. There is nothing better then Welch's Refreshingly Simple juice!

I received this product for free thanks to BuzzAgent. All the opinions are my own and just that.


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